Core Conservative Values

“Protecting Our Future, Defending Our Values”

Jody G Spurgeon is deeply committed to preserving the strong conservative American values that form the foundation of the Republican Party and are the bedrock principles of our founding fathers. With unwavering dedication, Jody prioritizes these core conservative values that are essential for the preservation and prosperity of our great nation. Let us join together with Jody to revive and strengthen those conservative American values that have made and kept our nation the greatest on earth.

Individual Freedom

The birth of our great nation was ignited by the bold declaration that our individual, God-given liberties must be safeguarded from government interference. This remains a fundamental belief that continues to shape our conservative policy decisions today. As Americans, we proudly affirm the self-evident truths that all individuals are created equal and endowed by God with inherent freedoms. These include the natural and unalienable rights to life, liberty, conscience, free speech, the free exercise of religion, and the pursuit of happiness. Moreover, we believe in the ability to own property, accumulate wealth, and protect ourselves and our loved ones. The primary purpose of government is to secure these rights, and the ideas we champion should consistently strive to uphold and enhance the liberty of the American people. By electing Jody G Spurgeon for Congress, you can trust that he will work tirelessly to defend these principles and preserve the values that made our nation great.

Limited Government

For individual liberty to flourish, government must be reduced. We firmly believe, just as our founders did, that a legitimate government should only operate with the consent of its citizens. This consent is best manifested through a limited government that is more efficient and less prone to corruption. Our incomparable Constitution, when faithfully applied, provides crucial safeguards against government overreach, establishing a vital separation of powers and a necessary system of checks and balances. Through federalism, decentralized authority, and the elimination of unnecessary regulations and bureaucracy, we strive to ensure that government truly serves the people, not the other way around. Ultimately, an engaged and well-informed electorate remains the most effective defense against excessive government influence. Join Jody G Spurgeon in championing individual liberty as he runs for Congress.

Human Dignity

Jody G Spurgeon believes in the inherent dignity and value of every human life, as we are all created equal in the image of God. Our government has the responsibility to protect life, uphold the sanctity of marriage and family, and embrace the positive impact of religion and morality in our culture. We strongly believe in the power of education and hard work as essential pathways out of poverty, while ensuring that public assistance programs are reserved for those truly in need. In America, we believe in giving everyone who abides by the rules a fair shot. By upholding these principles, we can preserve the goodness of America that has been the secret to our greatness.

The “Woke” Agenda

As a conservative candidate for U.S. Congress, Jody Spurgeon is staunchly committed to fighting back against the radical “Woke” agenda that threatens our values and freedoms. The “Woke” ideology promotes division, censorship, and an erosion of our fundamental rights. Jody Spurgeon believes in unity, open dialogue, and preserving our constitutional liberties. He rejects the notion of cancel culture and advocates for a society where diverse perspectives are respected and free speech is protected. Jody Spurgeon will stand up against the dangerous trends of the “Woke” movement and work tirelessly to uphold the principles of individual liberty, limited government, and the rule of law that have made America the beacon of freedom for generations.

The Rule of Law

As many of us know, our justice system has become a “two-party” system of justice, plagued by corruption and partisan politics. Our government is built on the principle of being governed by laws, not men, with the rule of law serving as our foundation. To maintain a just and ordered society, we must promote public and private virtue, ensuring that justice is administered equally and impartially to all. Each branch of government must adhere to the Constitution, preventing the judicial branch from usurping legislative or executive powers. Transparency and accountability are vital for good governance, and it is crucial for Congress to fulfill its constitutional duty of oversight. Join Jody G Spurgeon as he runs for Congress to promote a fair and transparent justice system that upholds the values of our nation.

Peace Through Strength

The first obligation of the federal government is to provide for the common defense of the United States by securing our borders and protecting our homeland and strategic interests abroad. We are not the world’s police force, but as America holds a natural role of moral leadership in an increasingly dangerous world, we must remain the strongest military power on earth. This means being fully prepared and capable of defeating any adversaries, tyrants, or terrorists under any circumstances, at any time. To achieve this, we need to maintain sufficient investments in our air, land, sea, nuclear, and cyber capabilities to deter foreign aggression. Additionally, we must focus on properly training, equipping, and supporting our troops and their families, as well as our veterans and wounded warriors. 

Fiscal Responsibility

Because the government has consistently failed to operate within its means, the United States is now confronted with an unparalleled crisis of debt and spending. With federal debt surpassing $33.5 trillion, our current fiscal trajectory is both unsustainable and perilous, endangering the stability, economic growth, and security of future generations. It is incumbent upon Congress to fulfill its moral and constitutional obligation by resolving this crisis, regaining control over spending, achieving a balanced federal budget, initiating comprehensive reforms to modernize entitlement programs, eradicating instances of fraud, waste, and abuse, fostering ongoing pro-growth tax reforms, implementing permanent tax reductions, and reinstating a sense of regular order and accountability within the budget and appropriations processes.

Free Markets and Trade

Government often stands as the greatest obstacle to the progress and prosperity of its people. Embracing Free markets and trade agreements allows for innovation, and economic expansion. By granting risk-takers, entrepreneurs, and business owners the liberty to pursue the American dream, more jobs and upward mobility can be created. We strongly believe in fostering competition while limiting government intervention and regulation. People are more capable of making decisions about their own lives and finances than bureaucrats. In virtually every scenario, the private sector outperforms the public sector. The free enterprise system, which values hard work and self-sacrifice, serves as the foundation and brilliance of the American economy. Join Jody G Spurgeon in the pursuit of a Congress that supports these fundamental principles.